Ladies of Horror: The Love Witch


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the feminist think piece wrapped in a horror film dressed as a 60’s sexploitation film, The Love Witch. This film was written, directed, produced, edited by Anna Biller. She also designed the costumes, music and paintings in the film. There is almost nothing in this film she did not touch and it took seven years to make. It shows, this film is a cult masterpiece in the making. The main character Elaine is on a quest for a man to love, but just not any man she wants the hegemonic ideal, a handsome man, that is strong and unemotional. While this film might barely pass the Bechdel and focus on relationships between heterosexual fantasy on the surface, underneath Elaine’s declarations and attempts at domesticity there is rage and vengeance for the role she is forced to play. But don’t take our word for it, seriously see this movie for yourself.