Meetup: Discussion & Art on Lilith/ Black Moon Lilith


This Meet-up we will be reviewing the significant meaning behind Black Moon Lilith pertaining to Astrology, Female Folklore, #Herstory, Art Therapy and possibly personal stories in which you relate to Lilith in your own life.

~ Meetups every 1st Sunday & 3rd Monday Night at 6-8 pm.
~ One Drink or Food Minimum
~ Happy Hour ends at 7pm - so come early! Street parking available.
~ Men/Non-Binary are welcome to come, participate & learn

FB/IG @LadyArtCollective

**** If you would like (Marlena) to find where your Black Moon Lilith is in your chart please send an email with exact details: Birth info - date - time - location - must be exact - to or purchase at

Black Moon Lilith in Astrology:
The Dark Goddess archetype as a whole is associated with sex, death, obsession, addiction, transformation, resurrection, magic, the occult and the taboo. It is the birth-canal between the spiritual dimension, (or the underworld) and life on the physical plane.

Lilith Usually, the trigger is great suffering, mourning, pain or torture. In their negative manifestations, Pluto represents the abuse of power and is the predator, whereas Eris (as Persephone) can be seen as either the enabler or the victim.

What she represents in your chart is where you're hidden, internal (usually feminine) or suppressed behaviors that needs to be exposed (as we work on the shadow) to become more full.

Her name never mentioned in the Bible but recognized by Israelites for millennia, referenced in Sumerian texts as the 'mother of demon.' Described as a shapeshifting human-and-beast a woman who was created as Adam's first wife with wings, yet who was not subservient to his requests (sexually), disobeyed and 'tricked' Adam only to escape him. She later was described as a vengeful succubus, seductress, and baby-stealer.

Notorious as The Biblical Scape Goat of all sins upon womenkind, female sexuality, suppression, the hidden, demon or dark lady as she was not subservient to a man.

Text sourced from on Black Moon Lilith.

Planetary Days of the Week

Planetary rulers of the days of the week


“Monday’s Child is fair of face, Tuesday’s Child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe,
Thursday’s Child has far to go,
Friday’s Child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living,
But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.”

The ancient Babylonians chose to organize their calendar around 7 days of the week, and each day corresponds to one of the seven “planets” visible to the naked eye. [Planets is in quotations because two–the Sun and the Moon–are technically not planets (they’re luminaries).]

Cancer: Monday (lundi in French) is ruled by the Moon. “Monday’s child is fair of face” might refer to the sensitivity and youthfulness associated with the Moon.

Aries/ Scorpio: Tuesday (mardi in French)  is ruled by Mars. “Tuesday’s child is full of grace” might be more aptly interpreted as full of energy and movement.

Gemini/ Virgo: Wednesday (mercredi in French) is ruled by Mercury. “Wednesday’s child is full of woe” might be interpreted as a person who worries or thinks too much.

Sagittarius/ Pieces: Thursday (jeudi in French) is ruled by Jupiter. “Thursday’s child has far to go” might thus be interpreted as a person who will travel and learn.

Taurus/ Libra: Friday (vendredi in French) is ruled by Venus. “Friday’s child is loving and giving” might refer to the Venus nature, that is, a person who is loving and receptive to love.

Capricorn/ Aquarius: Saturday (samedi in French) is ruled by Saturn. “Saturday’s child works hard for a living” thus might refer to the Saturnine nature which is rather serious and responsible.

Leo: Sunday (dimanche in French) is ruled by the Sun. “But the child born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay” might refer to the magnanimous Sun nature.

Astrologers generally pay more attention to the ruling planets in a natal chart. That is, the planet that rules the sign on your Ascendant and the planet that rules the sign of your Sun. For example, if your Ascendant is Aries, Mars is the ruling planet of your Ascendant since Mars is the natural ruler of Aries. If your Sun is in Taurus, then Venus is your Sun’s ruling planet since Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus.

Period Art Submission

Please do share your poetry, flowetry, recipe (aka soothing tea tonic, relax strategy), illustration, animation, video or photography that describes a time when they had their period.

Your Period Art can be a story of when they had their first or last period, the most humiliating time, how their period makes them feel beautiful or powerful, what ever the case, share your stuff guuuurl!

Submit original "Period Art" to, Send by Oct 1st, 2019.

* All art will get a bio, talk about the art and link to artist's page at and social media accounts.

Plus top submissions will get a free head shot session by Marlena Elise in DTLA - approved images will be featured in the blog.



Submit work by October 1st 2019 to ‘Attention Marlena’ with:

  • your name

  • name of art, date created

  • materials used

  • artist statement (paragraph)

  • what your art is about

  • how did you make your art

  • what inspires you day to day

  • what is your favorite thing about receiving your period (if any)

  • how did you learn about what a period is

  • have you ever been bullied about your period

  • something personal :

    • when did you first get your period, what kinds of periods do you have, or what are your favorite ‘go-to’ period products, and vices of relaxation during your period?

Mermaids belong to All Women

I just want to leave this here. Mermaids, historically belong to all women in all cultures.

I find it interesting that some people (eyes rolling) on the internet, are upset about Disney’s plans to recreate “The Little Mermaid” a live action remake with Halle Bailey… as it has caused a controversy over race recently. If women actually started to care about #Herstory - the collective history of femininity, female folklore, the Devine Feminine… believe me - Mermaids have existed before Disney capitolised on the mermaid movie wave in the late 80’s like Splash, Mermaids, A Fish Named Wanda, wait that wasn’t about mermaids or was it? Mermaids have been “in” even before Hans Christian Andersen, possibly as old as The Puranas genre of literature that is found in both Hinduism and Jainism, sourcing back to the legends of Matsya Purana c. 250–500 CE, several thousand years ago as just written text.

All pop-culture about our sea madden sisters have just ripped off on Female Folklore, Goddess and Deities for profit, or to tell a cautionary tale of how “women manipulate men to their deaths.” Regardless of who sung what song, the he said, she said battle must be lost because the every day woman are still not benefiting from the profit. Don’t let media or the Patriarchy fool you, Mermaids still belong to All Women.

As a child my favorite “princess” was a mermaid. I wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up. I never desired to play wife, or to have a bunch of children, or do any of those preconceived roles of “what women or girls do.” Perhaps I was too, manipulated by popular mermaid films in the late 80’s growing up in the San Joaquine Valley. I completely consumed by the all things mermaid into my teens, eventually I would collect art of Amy Brown and Brian Froud from the Tower district (Suburb in Fresno, CA) There I eventually learned about mermaids from around the world. Because I loved how being a mermaid made me feel: beautiful, expressive, creative, adventurous, wild and strong.

Later on, in 2014, I stopped dreaming and produced a community event for women and girls. Though for what ever reason, Mermaids are still viewed as juvenile, childish or silly. I took a complete risk, I didn’t do it for the popularity, not for the money (I made even), I did it to uplift a collective spirit in all of us. Creating space for artistic women shouldn’t be shameful, neither should female sexuality or innocence. We are women, we are girls, we have so much power and we don’t even know it.

Upon curating La Serina, Maiden of the Sea, (scroll down to past events). At the event I used my own finances to promote undiscovered female artists. I taught myself graphic design, marketing and discovered new talent and took risks as well as connected sponsorships from various organizations in the community, including the Venice Art Crawl, The Claire Fontaine Foundation, Whole Foods and the Electric Lodge.

I had over 20 female creatives showcase their mermaid inspired works which included paintings, photography, mixed media (a mermaid created from sand), jewelry, hand made crafts, live performances and a mermaid costume contest, even a category for Mermen & a Merchild. We had people ranging from the ages of 6 years to 75 years old, and all cultural backgrounds.

It was a great event, it was such an honor to bring the community together over shared interest and female positivity. Lastly, I created this show was because I got tired of going to art shows where I as women was working so incredibly hard to be seen as a woman in a mans world. Most of what is out there, stories for women are for and written by Men. It is time that females of all backgrounds decide what the fuck they are with out labels and shame and superstition. Are you getting my drift?


Marlena (Founder of Lady Art Collective)

Below I am attaching a mixed media {collage-painting with glitter sides (8x10 in)}. I created for my art show in spirit of my love of all cultures and all spiritualities. Because as women, it is my belief we can embrace beauty, learn about other cultures and beliefs to better our view of the world, not destroy it. She is created from my imagination and referencing Sikh and Indonesian cultures.

Additionally… here is some extra #MerLove …..

Some Mermaids and Mer-Maiden creatures from around the globe include:

Mami Water - Central, South and West African “Mother of the Water” - Also Caribbean & Americas luring men to deaths as a cautionary tale.

Melusina - French Folklore, shape shifter can also appear with wings and two serpent or fish tails.

Matyangana or Matsya - Matsya (Sanskrit: मत्स्य, lit. fish) is the fish avatar in the ten primary avatars of Hindu god Vishnu. Matsya is described to have rescued Manu and earthly existence from a great deluge.

Ningyo - Japanese Folklore - Described as an interesting combo as having a monkey’s mouth with small teeth like a fish’s, shining golden scales, and a quiet voice like a skylark or a flute.

Sirenia - (animal or human, creature lives in the sea or rivers)

Suvannamaccha - is a daughter of Tosakanth (Ravana) that appears in the Cambodian and Thai versions of the Ramayana, the great Indian Epic of Lord Rama defeating Ravana with his monkey army and tries to spoil Hanumans plans by destroying his bridge.

Vishnu - Hindu God (Male Avatar) - Mermaid Diety, linked to Matsya (first recorded mermaid folklore).

Yemoja - is a major water deity from the Yorba religion, she is an orisha (the human form of spirits) and considered the Black Virgin Mary “Lady of Regla.”

Yara or Iara - Brazilian, and depicted as the Ancient Guaraini / Tupi folklore - depicted as the “Lady of the Lake” with green hair, light brown or copper-colored skin as a siren, nymph or mermaid.

Tlanchana - Mexico with European influence - Her appearance is that of a woman with the lower body of a snake or fish, and is oftentimes wearing a crown, necklaces, and aquatic creatures strung around her waist. Otomi goddess known as Acapaxapo (also spelled Acpaxapo). She was said to have auspicious powers and would be called upon to deliver omens.



Spiritual Mermaid

(by Marlena) created in 2014

Halle Bailey to Star As Ariel in Disney’s “Little Mermaid” Live-Action Remake - image from

Halle Bailey to Star As Ariel in Disney’s “Little Mermaid” Live-Action Remake - image from

Show Flyer

Show Flyer

Mermaid art by various creatives.

Mermaid art by various creatives.

Lizzy Ruch (Mermaid Costume Contest)

Lizzy Ruch (Mermaid Costume Contest)

Yemoja (Source Instagram - unknown artist)

Yemoja (Source Instagram - unknown artist)

Matsya - One of Visnu’s Avatars (Male or transgendered Water God).

Matsya - One of Visnu’s Avatars (Male or transgendered Water God).





Tlanchana -

Tlanchana -

The Period Goddess


Mythical Creatures: Menstruation Cycle Art

This is a mixed media image I created of subject Stasha Washburn of the Period Coach created by Marlena Elise McClain, founder of the Lady Art Collective I had a vision to create this after learning about a the Period Goddess temple in India. Ironically, the temple excludes women who are on their cycle. It is my belief that we are in an incredible time to make a difference for women and girls.

Part of my work here is to liberate and uplift women. I founded the collective in 2013 after working many degrading and low paid roles as a photographer and rising artist. I noticed a gap in the art gallery scene not only for women but female artists who make art about the female experience. I use female folklore and mythology to empower women and girls, the imagery isn’t only powerful it is a tool to re-write our existence as women in our own words, verses being muted or a mystery.

Upon creation of this pieces ‘Period Goddess’ was to create beauty, inspiration and pride among women who are on their cycle verses shame and fear.

The art work was accomplished by composited photographs I had captured, stock images and digital drawings onto the composited images. Stasha is holding several items such as a teapot (herbal for comfort, herbal tea like kava kava, ginger, turmeric, herbs that promote blood circulation), Middle Left holding Period Panties (vs a pad or tampon that generates more trash), Bottom Left (Mountain Herbs to make tea), Top Right (The Period Coach Book - Stasha’s own period tracking manual - education), Middle Right - (Diva Cup, device to insert), Bottom Right - (Hibiscus - dried tea promotes blood circulation). The moon resembles the period tracking - 28 days, as referenced by the book. Ginger and chamomile flowers represent different herbs to make as tea or to intake. The mountain represents though there are many struggles for women, you are not alone and there are many paths and blessings in being female, and refuges to go to… you are not alone on this journey.

For more education on periods and period tracking visit


Kamakhya yoni in Devipuram, Andhra Pradesh

All Soul's Day

Written by Cat Wilson of

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We have had fun reviewing horror films for Halloween, but it’s important to remember that often women have been singled out as the “other” or witches if they did not conform to society. So as a palette cleanser we recommend the Spanish Language film Bless me, Ultima. This is a beautiful and quite film about a woman who goes against a tradition role. Women that live alone, childless, or authorities are revered and much as they are reviled.

Happy Halloween Ladies of Horror

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Written by Cat Wilson of
We made it! Today we were going to review the new Suspiria, but unfortunately it isn’t playing in our city so maybe next year.

Here is Ladies of Horror by the numbers: 30 movies with women in lead roles, 9 were written or co-written by women (the original Halloween was co-written with a woman), 6 were directed by women, 7 featured women of color (counting the foreign language films), 1.5 featured queer women.

Recommended Further Reading and Research:

Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film Carol J. Clover’s book that coined the term “Final Girl”

Horror and the Monstrous-Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection Barbara Creed’s Essay on the Monstrous-Feminine

The Fear of Femaleness: How “Frankenstein” Acts as a Feminist Platform

Anita Sarkeesian on Evil Seductress —->

20 Years of ‘The Craft’: Why We Needed More of Rochelle It would be amazing to a remake of The Craft with women of color although it would need to be handled carefully.

Something Is Wrong in This House: How Bluebeard Became the Definitive Fairy Tale of Our Era On Women and the Gothic Horror

Scary Sisters: A Brief History of Black Women in Horror

Black Final Girls & Other Musings From the Graveyard Shift Sisters a blog dedicated to Black women in horror.

Honorable Mentions and Other Films:

Hush a slasher featuring a deaf mute women, it’s important to see differently abled people on screen, however we are troubled by the number of films that show women being tortured.

American Psycho because it was directed by Mary Harron.

Pet Sematary because it was directed by Mary Lambert.

Near Dark because it was written and directed by the amazing Kathryn Bigelow.

We have one more post tomorrow for All Soul’s Day.

Movie Posters Honorable Mentions:

Ladies of Horror: Gothika and Gaslight

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Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the supernatural psychological horror Gothika. Critics lumped a lot of hate on this movie… saying it wasn’t scary, it didn’t make sense, etc. We ladies think they are wrong, there is a lot going on in this film. Halle Berry’s character Miranda is a psychiatrist at a woman's penitentiary. One a stormy night she serves her car to avoid a injured girl on the road. Trying to help the girl Miranda blacks out and wakes up in the other side of the bars having apparently killed her husband.

Spoiler Warning

It turns out that the girl was a ghost that possessed Miranda to act out her revenge on Miranda’s husband who is a serial rapist and murderer. It isn’t until Miranda finds irrefutable physical proof that she is believed, by even the men that care about her. What interested us at Lady was the parallels between this story, the Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas hearings and women historically being disbelieved when reporting rape.
There are two phrases repeated in the film. “Not Alone” which at first Miranda thinks it means she is not alone but learns to her horror that it means the rapist didn’t act alone. One could say there are many perpetrators and actors in rape culture.
The second is first said by Penelope Cruz’s character Chloe “How can you trust someone when they think you are crazy.” How can we? If men think women are crazy, not rational creatures how can we trust them. As Jenna Sauers, of Jezebel says

“Reflexively calling women “crazy” is a habit young men need to learn to break. As a term, “crazy” is entirely of a piece with the long and nasty tradition of pathologizing female emotion (and particularly sexuality). 

For women of color this has been doubly true. As Judith Worell and Pamela Remer say in Feminist Perspectives in Therapy

"African American women were sexually exploited during slavery" and because of stereotypes originating from slavery such as the Jezebel, black women "are not viewed as credible complainants, and are stereotyped (e.g., as promiscuous) in ways that blame them for their rapes."

When slavery ended these evil stereotypes lived on justifying the rape of African American Women.

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There is a term for manipulating a victims reality so that the doubt themselves, Gaslighting. We would argue that gaslighting is the one of the most terrifying forms of metal and emotional abuse. A true horror story for women. In the two films called Gaslight a trusted husband purposefully attempts to drive is wife insane by moving and hiding objects in order to undermine her reality. A man hurls crazy at a woman like a weapon devaluing everything she is in one swift stroke, which brings us back to Gothika. Gaslighting works when the woman or society trusts the abuser, so how can we “Trust someone when they think you are crazy.”

Ladies of Horror: Breaking In and Women of Color in Horror


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is actually going to be a longer post about women of color in horror movies. We looked hard for movies with women of color in lead roles that where in empowering. Unfortunately, there was very little to choose from. Breaking In had a great premise, a black mother protecting her kids but the plot and dialog was clumsy. Even though Gabrielle Union gave a fantastic performance it was frustrating that the rest of the movie didn’t match her. But why are there so few movies horror and otherwise with women of color? Where is the Get Out for black women?
Unfortunately, when looking back for strong women of color characters in past films, they are often in the role of the “other": such as Lisa Bonet as the Voodoo Succubus/Victim in Angel Heart or Aaliyah in Queen of the Damned.

While films have been slowly more inclusive starting with Rachel True in The Craft, Naomie Harris’ fantastic role in 28 Days Later (a movie that also passes the Bechdel Test. Just saying.), recently Tessa Thompson and Gina Rodriguez in Annihilation and Li Bingbing in The Meg. Often women of color are co-stars to a white actors.

When there is a black woman lead film it tends to be torn apart by critics. Just look at Rotten Tomatoes: Breaking In 20%, Alexa Woods in Alien vs. Predator 20%, and Gothika 14%. There is an notable exception of Sennia Nanua playing Melanie in The Girl with All the Gifts, however she is a girl and not a woman.

We had a theory and to test it we watched Gothika, which will be our review for tomorrow. Because spoiler alert, it’s not a bad movie. It’s not Get Out but it’s on par with What Lies Beneath which has a 46% Rotten Tomato rating. Even Roger Ebert gave Gothika 3 out of 4 stars and rates it as 4.3 out of 5. So why all the hate on Rotten Tomatoes… because the majority of the reviewers are either white or male. gave this film a 2.7 out of 5 but although the reviewer isn’t named they opened their review with “Halle Berry is hot. And at one point in my life, that would’ve been enough. (I actually bought Swordfish for about 20 seconds’ worth of boob.)” So yeah there might be some male bias here.

To close, we are on the hunt for a fantastic art house film that have black women in the lead and received accolades at Sundance… Does anyone know where we can watch Hair Wolf??

Ladies of Horror: Annihilation


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the lovecraftian science fiction horror, Annihilation. What’s fantastic about this movie is it has five female leads but it doesn’t make a big deal about it. (Looking at you The Decent.) Usually movies with this many women becomes sort of a Steel Magnolias, a story about the experience of being a woman, but this story is not gendered like that. The women in it are all professionals chosen because they were the right person for the job. It is important to see stories of women simply being human. This normalizes women taking a more equal role in media and hopefully society. Although, the film is not perfect there was a bit of white washing when it came to the lead role that in the book was a person of color. More on this in our next post.

Ladies of Horror: Prevenge


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the horror comedy slasher, Prevenge. This film was written, directed and starred by Alice Lowe all while she was actually pregnant. In most women lead revenge films such as Kill Bill or the 2017 aptly named film Revenge, the women are usually first raped and beaten and left for dead, while men lead films Taken or John Wick the violence they experience is more vicarious, because it happens to “their” women, family or dog. Not so with Prevenge, which has as it’s premise that the main character Ruth is being goaded to murder by her unborn child. Ruth character emulates a mythical fury dealing out bloody justice to those who have wronged her. When asked if this film was feminist, Alice Lowe replied

Really if this film has any agenda, it would be to say, "You might think you can't identify with this person because they're a different age to you, or a different race, or a different gender, or a different situation because they're pregnant, but actually by the end of it, why can't you identify with this person?"

Ladies of Horror: The Love Witch


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the feminist think piece wrapped in a horror film dressed as a 60’s sexploitation film, The Love Witch. This film was written, directed, produced, edited by Anna Biller. She also designed the costumes, music and paintings in the film. There is almost nothing in this film she did not touch and it took seven years to make. It shows, this film is a cult masterpiece in the making. The main character Elaine is on a quest for a man to love, but just not any man she wants the hegemonic ideal, a handsome man, that is strong and unemotional. While this film might barely pass the Bechdel and focus on relationships between heterosexual fantasy on the surface, underneath Elaine’s declarations and attempts at domesticity there is rage and vengeance for the role she is forced to play. But don’t take our word for it, seriously see this movie for yourself.

Ladies of Horror: The Girl with All the Gifts


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the post-apocalyptic zombie horror drama, The Girl with All the Gifts. The girl in question, named Melanie, is held prisoner with other children at a military base during a zombie outbreak. All of the children are second generation zombies that can think and learn although they have an irresistible craving for human flesh. They are taught in a classroom by Helen Justineau, who is the one person that empathizes with the children. At the same time Dr. Caroline Caldwell is experimenting on the children in hopes of finding a cure and save human kind.

Women are the major players in this story. Also, it is the first in our list featuring a black girl or woman, but more on that in a later post. It is an unusual zombie film, thought provoking and tragic.

Ladies of Horror: Under the Shadow


Written by Cat Wilson,
Today’s pick is the Farsi-Language war time horror film, Under the Shadow. Shideh was a medical student who is forced to abandon her dreams of becoming a doctor because her past political activism and also because she is a woman. It is the late 1980’s, Shideh’s husband Iraj is drafted to the front lines of Iran-Iraq War leaving her to care for their daughter Dorsa in Tehran. One night during a bombing, a missile lands without exploding on the floor above their apartment. Dorsa believes that a djinn (western audience might recognize this as a genie, a supernatural spirit) beings haunting them. This is a film about systematic oppression. Cultural oppression that prevents Shideh from being a doctor or leaving her house without her chador and the oppression of war. Something especially creative with this film the djinn often takes the shape of a chandor, which the women of Tehran were forced to wear under Sharia Law. It is literally a specter of oppression.

Ladies of Horror: 10 Cloverfield Lane


Today’s pick is the psychological horror, 10 Cloverfield Lane. This movie is proof that a film can have a strong feminist character and without passing the Bechdel Test. Our heroine Michelle, wakes up in an underground bunker, after a car crash. She is locked with two men who both insist that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable. At her first chance she fights her way to the exist only to see for herself that they are telling the truth. What is extraordinary about this film is Michelle is not portrayed as a sexual object. The possibility sexual abuse is acknowledged and swiftly ruled out of the movie. Michelle, like Ripely of Alien, is a fully formed character with strength, intelligence and her own motivations. That is not so say that there is not a dark aspect of patriarchy at work in the film.


We also love how Michelle uses a typically feminine skill, her knowledge of fashion design, to macgyver a bio-hazard suit and save her life.

Ladies of Horror: The Descent

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Written by Cat Wilson, of
Today’s pick and part dishonorable mention is The Descent. Okay. This movie passes the Bechdel test in the first few minutes. It is a film about an all female group of cavers. There are feminist blogs that love this film, so we felt it was important to include it. However, we had a few problem with the plot.


Just because the film has an all woman casts doesn’t mean it’s feminist or a good movie. The leader Juno is supposed to be a experienced caver, but she purposely takes them to an unexplored cave without the others knowledge or consent. One of the women falls in a hole for no good reason. When the monsters attack all of the women panic and one of them dies because she gets in the way of Juno’s pick axe. Juno leaves her to die. Everyone is picked off but the main character Sarah and Juno, who turn on each other because of a love affair. And then Sarah leaves Juno to die and makes it to the surface. Or does she? In the director cut where Sarah dies too. Okay feminist blogs, yes they do fight for their lives. And yes Juno is a kick ass bitch when she isn’t pick axing her own friends. And yes no male hero sweeps into save them… because they all die. So one reading of this movie could be “don’t let women be cavers because make dumb decisions, freak out in an emergency and will turn on each other”. You know “bitches be tripping” underground. So yeah. It’s kind of feminist but seriously we need more women to the front movies so we can leave this one in the dust. Ugh and look at that poster… when have men’s bodies been shaped into things? Okay rant over.

Ladies of Horror: Crimson Peak


Written by Cat Wilson,
Today’s pick is the gothic horror romance Crimson Peak. The main reason this movie is included, even though it barely passes the Becheld Test, is of the long herstory of women and gothic fiction from writers like Clara Reeve, Ann Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë and even Jane Austin. As a homage, these writers the lead character in Crimson Peak, Edith, is determined to be a writer despite being patronized for her gender. Thomas, a handsome and mysterious man seduces her, using a line that is straight up paraphrased from Jane Eyre. Crimson Peak, is a story of betrayal with ghosts as a side plot. We would recommend this film to the more romantically inclined horror fans.

Crimson Peak has been criticized for not being feminist enough because of the love story in the plot. However we believe that feminism is about choice. We fight so we can choose to vote, marry or not marry, have sex or not have sex, have children or not have children. A stay at home mom with three kids is no less a feminist than a career gal be she bi-sexual, asexual, polyamorous or everything in between. The important thing is that we respect each other choices. So the act of a woman becoming romantically involved does not make her less a feminist. The problems occurs when media constantly shows only one perspective. We need more movies with women of all types and a film version of Frankenstein that get the feminist themes from the novel right, please.


Edith also goes after what she wants with her marriage and chooses the loss of her virginity. Her one sex scene is consensual and as a change features male nudity but not female. To quote Tom Hiddleston “We wanted to sort of redress the balance, and it's really important that Edith was calling the shots. She's the strongest character. She's a strong woman, and she's going to dictate how that goes down”. In the end Edith’s husband actions do not drive the plot. The climax is a battle between two women, Edith and her sinister sister in law Lucille. This is not a slappy catfight but a battle to the death. Finally it is Edith who saves herself.

Ladies of Horror: It Follows


Written by Cat Wilson of
Today’s pick is the supernatural horror film, It Follows. College Student, Jay, has sex with her new boyfriend, but she contracts from him a curse in the form of a shapeshifter creature that will follow her until it kills her or she passes the curse onto someone else. What makes this a feminist horror film is how the sexuality is handled. In many horror films there is a lot of virgin worship and moralizing around sex. In this film, sex is how this curse started, but it is also a way to end it. Also, when Jay tells her friends and sister about her STD like monster, they do not slut shame Jay or see this curse as a her fault. They are horrified at how she was coerced into this situation and stick by her, even when they see how dangerous this creature can be.

Trigger warning: Even though Jay’s sexual encounters are consensual, another character is raped.

Ladies of Horror: The Lure

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Written by Cat Wilson, of

Today’s pick is the Polish horror pop musical, The Lure. Rotten tomatoes sums up the film as “ Agnieszka Smoczynska directed this off-beat horror comedy about two mermaid sisters who fall for the same man on dry land.” This is bullshit summary. Let’s dive below the surface; in this film a mermaid is lured on land by a handsome blue-eye blond boy playing love songs by the water. She (Silver) and her sister (Golden) move on land join a glittery Polish dancing club as part a band. Trouble finds them when Silver alone, falls in love with the blond boy even though he is repulsed by her fish half. To secure his love and with his help she surgically trades her tail for legs and loses her voice. Sirens are the classic example of the “monstrous-feminine”; female creatures that uses their sexuality to entice men to their deaths. However, The Lure is not a cautionary tale for men, but for women. How many women have destroyed themselves for the promise of male love? I won’t spoil the end of this, but as a retelling of the classic Hans' Christian Anderson “Little Mermaid” so you probably know where this is going. Trigger Warning: For grey area sexual consent and gore.

Ladies of Horror: The Babadook


Written by Cat Wilson,
Today’s pick is the supernatural and psychological horror, The Babadook. Written and directed by Jennifer Kent, this is a film that shows how terrifying grief and being a single mother can be. The main character Amelia, played by the fantastic Essie Davis, is a complex feminine character, she is a mother but she is also a woman with her own needs for sex and companionship. Her son, Sam who she loves, is the cause of so much pain and frustration. There is a point in the movie that he is yelling for her attention in the back seat of a car that is visceral, in it’s depiction of the dark side of motherhood. At the climax her son saves her but he is not the hero. There is no hero. They save each other and the monster is not destroyed but tamed.